Friday, February 03, 2017


There’s something special about this TV series that I’m watching this past couple of days. It’s called “Californication” featuring a writer called ‘Hank Moody’ – an alcoholic, a sex-addict and the twists and turns of his almost pathetic life (in my opinion). The surprising thing about my addiction to this series is the amount to which I have got hooked to it and the main reason is my immense likability of this main character, I think. I’m watching it way too much – to the tune that I now have watched about 16 episodes of it in the past 3 days almost back to back, almost forcing myself not to watch it because it has started coming in my sleep and is messing with it.
On one hand, you loathe the uncontrollable sex and the sheer lack of commitment that he shows in his life. On the other hand, his writing and the romanticism that his words reflect, the way he takes in the life, can make even a guy feel the stars around his head and flashbacks of your life are almost a given. For girls, he is of course a killer and that’s why there are way too many of them in the series as well :)

The one thing though still attracts you towards this character in a big way inspite of all his idiosyncrasies is that he is a very very good father to a sweet adolescent daughter that he cherishes highly. Since he is a writer by profession, he always shares that there are no boundaries in life for one to achieve and its especially awe-inspiring for us, Indians as we have always been stuck in a rut around what we could do with our lives, within the means possible. We have always been taught to play safe- handful of careers to go for, for the tough life in India and a simpler way to live for, not thinking too much out of the normal.

So in a nutshell, this guy gives hope to the wannabes in this life, in marriage, in parenthood or else. It’s simply amazing as otherwise it’s very difficult to inspire such people and I’m one of them!!

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